Monday, February 5, 2018

February 5

WNB: Select an abstract noun (fear, love, betrayal, joy, anger, or hope) and explain how it applies to your book talk book. Be sure to include the title and author of the book along with a quote that supports your choice.

Students began book talks today and shared titles that they enjoyed during summer reading. Today's titles: We All Looked Up; The Odyssey graphic novel; Fellowship of the Ring; None of the Above; Voice in the Wind; Hamlet; Story; The Game; Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock; Wonder; Forgetting; Delirium; Note to Self; The Face on the Milk Carton; Red Queen; Deep and Dark and Dangerous; This Is Where It Ends; and All the Bright Places.

We looked at the American Teenager assignment rubric together to be sure we covered everything. I walked through the steps to add the MLA-formatted heading to the document. Students should turn it in on Classroom before class begins tomorrow! (Instructions posted in the comments there if you need them.)

Today's Board