Wednesday, January 31, 2018

January 31

IRT: ~20 minutes
WNB: What's the biggest misconception about teenagers today? When you hear people say, "Kids today," what do they usually follow it with?

Students self-scored and reflected on their one pager assignment before handing it in with the rubric.

I introduced It's Complicated: The American Teenager, a book by Robin Bowman. Students used this as a mentor text and began the American Teenager assignment in which they will interview a classmate and develop a profile in the same style as Bowman's. They'll work on this in class for the next 2 days before turning it in on Classroom by 8:15am Tuesday.

Don't forget--book talks begin Monday, 2/5!

Today's Board

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

January 30

Students completed the Nelson-Denny reading test today. This test is not for a grade--it's a data collection tool that the district uses.

With the remaining class time, students worked on the one pager assignment that is due tomorrow.

We did not have independent reading time or a notebook entry today due to time constraints.

Today's Board

Monday, January 29, 2018

January 29

IRT: ~20 minutes
WNB: We used passages from Matt de la Pena's Ball Don't Lie as mentor texts to inspire our notebook entry today.

I demonstrated another book talk with Ball Don't Lie and reminded students to be prepared to share their own books beginning next Monday. Book talk info is posted on Classroom.

With the remaining class time, we reviewed the requirements for the one pager assignment, and students had time to work. This assignment is due at the beginning of class Wednesday, January 31.

Students should bring their iPads all week!

Today's Board

Friday, January 26, 2018

January 26

IRT: ~20 minutes

Students set up their currently reading pages in their writer's notebooks to reflect the first book they're reading for independent reading time.

We completed a brown bag activity--students made connections between random objects and their required summer reading novel. This work led to a one-pager assignment that students will hand in at the beginning of class Wednesday. Students will have time in class on Monday and Tuesday to work on the assignment. See Classroom for examples and other details.

Today's writer's notebook entry is posted on Classroom. Respond in your notebook, not on Classroom!

Today's Board

Thursday, January 25, 2018

January 25

We started our day in the library where students completed a scavenger hunt and had time to find a book for independent reading time.

Today's writer's notebook entry: "I am a part of everything that I have read." Theodore Roosevelt. Here are a few guidelines when responding to quotes. The quote is not a riddle, or a puzzle for you to "solve." You don't have to try to "figure it out." There's no "right answer," nothing specific that I'm looking for. It's not a test. All you need to do is write what you think; not necessarily what you think it means, or what the person was trying to say, but whatever it means to you, whatever it makes you think of. The quote is just there to get you thinking, to give you ideas, a place to start.

With the remaining class time, students completed the theme work from yesterday and began working  with a partner on a characterization activity. We'll resume this work on Tuesday.

Coming up on Monday, January 29, the counselors will be presenting information about course selection for the 2018-2019 school year in the auditorium; the session for rising sophomores (class of 2020) begins at 7:30pm.

Today's Board

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

January 24

I demonstrated how to do a book talk today by introducing students to Dear Martin by Nic Stone. Students will share their own titles beginning February 5! The process and rubric are available on Classroom.

Each week, we will read, annotate, and respond to a news article in our writer's notebooks. Students learned about this today and practiced with the first article, "Former NFLers Call for End to Tackle Football for Kids."

With the remaining class time, students analyzed their required summer reading book for theme and connected it to yesterday's short film. We will continue this work tomorrow.

connection question

paragraph planning

Tomorrow: Meet in the library!

Today's Board

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

January 23

We spent some time setting up our writer's notebooks. Students who did not have their notebooks today should bring one tomorrow!

We completed our first notebook entry: Write a letter to yourself when you're 30 (it will be the year 2031/2032). Tell yourself what you want to be remembered for from these teen years and what you think should be important in your life when you're grown up.

We watched the short film "Oktapodi" and analyzed it for elements of a short story (characters, plot, symbols, mood, tone, and theme). We will continue this work tomorrow!

Bring summer reading work!

Today's Board

Monday, January 22, 2018

January 22

Welcome, new students!

We discussed expectations and filled in important dates on a calendar. Students signed up for Google Classroom and explored the syllabus. Be sure to share that with your parent/guardian this evening and have them fill out the form at the bottom! With the remaining class time, students completed an interest survey.

Tomorrow, we'll be working with the summer reading assignment. We'll also set up our writer's notebooks, so be sure to bring a notebook.

Today's Board


Friday, January 19, 2018

January 19

Fourth period took their exams today!

Second period grades are in and final.

Fourth period grades will be complete before I leave today.

Good luck in your spring semester classes!

Remember to read!

Thursday, January 18, 2018

January 18

Second period took their final exams today! All grades will be finalized before I leave Friday afternoon.

Fourth period had time to study for tomorrow's exam.

Nothing very interesting on the board today, so I leave you with this cartoon in honor of Winnie the Pooh Day!

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

January 17

IRT: ~20 minutes

We reviewed a few terms for tomorrow's exam: protagonist, antagonist, and atonement. Be sure to check out the summaries on LitCharts if you need reminders about the play. Second period will take their exam tomorrow, and 4th period will test on Friday.

Students used the remaining class time to finish and turn in their college research assignment.

Today's Board

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

January 16

IRT: ~20 minutes

Second period will take their final exam on Thursday, and 4th period will take their exam on Friday. Students received a test review last week (also posted on Classroom), but since the test is primarily skills-based, there's not really much to study. I suggested that students review the characters and plot from Antigone using

Students continued working on their college research assignment. I demonstrated how to create a bar graph in Sheets and add it to their Google Doc. I also posted a video of the demonstration on Classroom for absent students. This assignment is due by the end of class tomorrow!

Today's Board

Friday, January 12, 2018

January 12

IRT: ~20 minutes

Students received a copy of the final exam review (also posted on Classroom). Second period will take exams on Thursday, 1/18, and 4th period will take exams on Friday, 1/19. Students should have finished reading their AP choice title by that date.

Students used the remaining class time to work on their college research assignment. We'll be working with some of the information in the table on Tuesday, so be sure that's complete!

Today's Board

Thursday, January 11, 2018

January 11

IRT: ~20 minutes
WNB: When you were 5, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you now want to be when you grow up?

Today's notebook entry was the beginning of our college research activity. Students looked for 2 colleges that interested them and offered a degree that would lead them to their desired career. Then they began collecting information on a chart about those two colleges. We'll continue this work for the next few days.

Today's Board

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

January 10

Students heard a presentation from Ashley Stevens, our college and career counselor from Collin College. This will be useful information as we begin researching some colleges tomorrow. (Her email address is if you need it!)

With the remaining class time, students worked on the final reading reflection. This work is due by 10pm tonight.

Today's Board

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

January 9

IRT: ~20 minutes
WNB: Students responded to the quote "2017 was the best year in human history." Then we read an opinion piece, "Why 2017 Was the Best Year in Human History," and determined whether we agreed with the author. (Here's the Our World in Data site that the article mentioned.)

Students continued working on the final reading reflection Google Doc. I introduced part 2 of the assignment, and students had time to plan those responses. Both the Google Doc and Recap responses are due by 10pm Wednesday, 1/10. We may have a little class time Wednesday to finish up this work.

Today's Board

Monday, January 8, 2018

January 8

Happy New Year!

IRT: ~20 minutes in the library
WNB: Forget New Year's Resolutions. Scrap that long list of goals you won't remember a few weeks from now anyway! Choose just one word. One word you can focus on every day, all year long... One word that sums up who you want to be or how you want to live. It will take intentionality and commitment, but if you let it, your one word will shape not only your year, but also you. It will become the compass that directs your decisions and guides your steps. (Inspired by

Students began part 1 of the final reading reflection on Classroom. For part 2 tomorrow, please download the Recap app onto your device and bring headphones. (If you have headphones with an inline mic, you'll find them useful!) These 2 assignments will be due by 10pm Wednesday, 1/10.

Today's Board