We quizzed ourselves with a 12-minute PSAT reading practice. Students continued working on the reading reflection assignment, due tomorrow. Students will also complete a writer's notebook check tomorrow.
English II STAAR EOC results have been posted to Skyward!
Students began working on their final reading reflection. This is due at the end of class Tuesday. Students will also have a notebook check on Tuesday.
IRT: ~20 minutes
WNB: Reflect on your sophomore year. What has gone well? What would you change? How have you changed? What advice would you give to incoming sophomores?
We viewed projects and rated them on quality and voice. We will continue this work tomorrow. We will also have a notebook check tomorrow.
I provided a brief overview of what to expect on the final exam. Students will be allowed to use their lit terms packet on the test. We'll talk more about the test in the coming days.